President & CEO’s Message – November/December 2022

Send a message to Queen’s Park!
Would you have 5 minutes? As we work towards recovery, it’s important business needs are heard.  We are looking for your insights on issues that matter to your business.

This 5-minute survey, done in partnership with the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, focusses on business confidence, policy priorities, and other timely questions. It’s an important opportunity to help send a message to Queen’s Park and to have Milton’s voices heard on the issues that matter most.

How confident are you in Ontario’s economy and your organization’s outlook?
What should governments prioritize to drive economic growth?

Click here to go to our customized link solely for Milton Chamber members.
This Business Confidence survey is being conducted by Golfdale Consulting, an independent consulting firm. All responses will be kept strictly anonymous and confidential.

Here is why I am specifically needing your participation: if there are at least 75 completed surveys from Milton Chamber members, then the Ontario Chamber will share local data results with us. Again, this will be anonymous info. But, it will let us compare Milton results with those provincially.

So, your participation not only increases the strength and impact of the Ontario Chamber’s lobbying efforts, but it also helps us understand our collective Milton priorities for the year ahead.

And, as every infomercial would say….’but wait…. there’s more’!! Results from annual Business Confidence Survey will inform the 2023 Ontario Economic Report: the landmark research platform of the Ontario Chamber, offering a unique perspective on the experience of businesses of all sizes across the province. The OER will be released early next year and will be fully digital and interactive, allowing the Milton Chamber and our members to filter, use, and compare data relevant to our community…. If we have sufficient local data.

So, please share your views. We just need 5 minutes of your time. The survey closes Friday, November 11th at midnight.

Public Transit for new and current employees
At the last meeting of the Chamber’s HR Roundtable, Milton’s Director of Transit Services, Tony D’Alessandro gave an update on the Milton Transit 21 Steeles bus – the connection between Mississauga and Milton.

This Steeles bus, which was implemented on September 6th, has been a priority for the Chamber and the HR Roundtable for many years. Finally, thanks to the efforts of Milton Town Council, staff at the Town including Tony, and the willingness of Halton Hills and Mississauga to partner, the transit connection is now in full operation.

Milton Transit also has its OnDemand service so people taking the Steeles bus can get personalized connections for that last mile connectivity to the Derry Green Business Park or the 401 Industrial Zone.

That means people living in Mississauga can access jobs in Milton more readily. Be sure to check it out…and use the new service!