What is NGen?
Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen) is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization dedicated to building next generation manufacturing capabilities nationally. Our mission is help Canadian companies become global leaders in the application of leading technologies to manufacturing products and/or processes.
NGen projects and programs are aimed at driving greater technology development and technology adoption in Canadian manufacturing. To further support cluster growth, we also use data to increase connections and collaboration across the Canadian advanced manufacturing network.
Why should I join NGen?
Membership in NGen is free.
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Only NGen members can:
- be part of Supercluster projects
- find other Supercluster members on NGen’s collaboration platform
- be found by Supercluster members on NGen’s platform
- participate in NGen events
- access NGen services
Become a Member.
What is the Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster?
In 2017, the Government of Canada announced it would invest up to $950 million in the Innovation Superclusters Initiative, challenging Canadian businesses of all sizes to collaborate with other innovation actors, including post-secondary and research institutions, to propose ambitious strategies that would transform regional economies and develop job-creating superclusters of innovation.
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In February, 2018, the Hon. Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, identified five groups for supercluster funding.
- The Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster
- The Ocean Supercluster (based in Atlantic Canada) will use innovation to improve competitiveness in Canada’s ocean-based industries, including fisheries, oil and gas, and clean energy
- The SCALE.AI Supercluster (based in Quebec) will make Canada a world leading exporter by building intelligent supply chains through artificial intelligence and robotics
- The Protein Industries Supercluster (based in the Prairies) will make Canada a leading source for plant proteins and help feed the world
- The Digital Technology Supercluster (based in British Columbia) will use big data and digital technologies to unlock new potential in important sectors like healthcare, forestry, and manufacturing.
More information on the Government of Canada’s Innovation Supercluster Initiative can be found here.
What types of Supercluster projects does NGen support?
NGen supports projects that leverage Canadian strengths in advanced technology to scale our capabilities in customized manufacturing.
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NGen projects focus on developing and applying new and integrated technology solutions that will help Canadian manufacturing companies compete globally.
NGen seeks projects that can develop high potential technologies, create groundbreaking process transformation, and de-risk the adoption of technology.
For more detail, Become a Member and access the Supercluster Project Guide.
When can I apply for Supercluster funding?
Supercluster project proposals can be submitted at any time. Initial project screening can be done on NGen’s online portal when it becomes operational in early 2019, or by contacting NGen directly through ideas@ngen.ca.
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NGen may at its discretion issue a call for proposals with a specific strategic goal, technology scope or other defined criteria. Notice of Targeted Calls will be posted on the Members’ Page of
Become a Member to apply for Supercluster funding or be advised of targeted calls.
When can I apply for Supercluster funding?
Supercluster project proposals can be submitted at any time. Initial project screening can be done on NGen’s online portal when it becomes operational in early 2019, or by contacting NGen directly through ideas@ngen.ca.
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NGen may at its discretion issue a call for proposals with a specific strategic goal, technology scope or other defined criteria. Notice of Targeted Calls will be posted on the Members’ Page of
Become a Member to apply for Supercluster funding or be advised of targeted calls.
How many partners do I need?
Applications for Supercluster projects must have at least three private sector companies. Each Supercluster project must have a private sector lead, plus at least two additional private sector partners.
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A key objective of NGen is to build greater collaboration across the manufacturing/technology ecosystem, therefore partnerships with universities, colleges, research centers, and a larger number of companies are encouraged.
Become a Member for more detail on partnership requirements.
How is my project evaluated?
To ensure fairness, NGen has established a decision-making process that holds every project review to the highest standards of integrity, with independent specialists scrutinizing each proposal.
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The process engages two independent panels composed of external expert advisors:
- The Strategic Technology Assessment Panel (S-TAP) advises NGen on the merit of each project proposal, its alignment with NGen’s strategic goals, and its compatibility with available funding levels and NGen’s investment portfolio.
- The Full Application Technology Assessment Panel (F-TAP) examines the full application for project funding and makes the final recommendation to NGen on approvals. The F-TAP will be composed of independent reviewers.
Become a Member for more detail on how Supercluster projects are assessed.
What criteria will NGen use to evaluate my project?
NGen projects must:
- be transformational in scale or impact for its participants, and
- be of wider benefit to Canada’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem, including small and medium-sized firms (SMEs).
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Projects should produce demonstrable benefits to Canada, including but not limited to:
- creation and commercialization of new products or services
- increased domestic or export sales
- added or retained jobs
- additionally leveraged private sector funding
- increased investment in R&D and new markets opened
- creation of intellectual property
- training programs that develop Canada’s highly skilled workforce
- improvements to products or processes that have a positive impact on the environment health or safety
- improved diversity in the advanced manufacturing workforce
Become a Member for more detail on Supercluster project criteria.
How much funding is available?
As a general rule, NGen projects should have a total cost between $1 million (CAN) and $20 million (CAN).
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NGen will reimburse up to 44.4% of a project’s eligible costs incurred following the signing of a Project Agreement.
The reimbursement of 44.4% is set at a project level and not at a partner level, therefore project partners can negotiate within the consortium the levels of funding. No single partner can receive more than 70% reimbursement.
For further details on Supercluster project funding, including eligible costs, Become a Member.
How do I find out more about Supercluster projects?
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All information about Supercluster funding is available online in NGen’s Project Requirements document.
To access the Project Requirements document, Become a Member.