New Visa/MasterCard Rates for Members

The Milton Chamber of Commerce has the most comprehensive business data- base in Milton. We have summer students whose sole job is to contact each and every business throughout the summer months beginning on May 5 this year. desiray will be contacting you by email, phone, or you can fill out the form found in this publica- tion and send it in to the Chamber.

Because of the new anti-spam legislation coming into effect July 1, 2014 we need to receive your permission to contact you us- ing any form of electronic messaging. Please read the form carefully and check all the boxes asking if we can connect with you via email. if you are a member of the Chamber then we have your express permission to contact you but if you are not a member you will need to give us permission in writing by submitting your form.

The information you provide is entered into our database. every year we produce a Business directory which is circulated to every home and business in Milton in January. We produce 35,000 copies and all Milton businesses are listed and our members are listed in Bold typeface. our residents and businesses alike use this book to source local companies to provide them with goods and services. You want to be in our database so we can ensure you have a listing in our directory. did you know that Milton has…

  • 2290 businesses in the Chamber database
  • 795 Chamber of Commerce members
  • 142 restaurants
  • 64 physicians
  • 20 accountants
  • 35 escarpment CountryTM partners
  • 37 manufacturers
  • 391 home-based businesses
  • 44 companies with over 100 employees

The information found above represents a fraction of the business details we have on local companies. Members can request lists from the Chamber office at no charge as part of their membership benefits. Please com- plete your update form or call our office to let us know you operate a business and are new to town. our summer students also visit ev- ery commercial, industrial and retail area as well to confirm our information is accurate. We always find new businesses and others that have left. I am very confident when I tell you information is as accurate and compre- hensive as it can be year over year