Milton Chamber Calls on Town Council to Approve the Draft 2024-2029 Transit Plan

Milton Chamber Calls on Town Council to Approve the Draft 2024-2029 Transit Plan

Accessible, reliable, and efficient public transit supports a strong economy. Many businesses rely on public transit for workers and clients to access their facilities.

In 2023, the Milton Chamber of Commerce joined the Toronto Region Board of Trade in its call for better public transit across the GTHA. In TRBOT’s Transit Report Cards, Milton’s transit system received a D- grade.

The proposed Draft 2024-2029 Transit Plan includes several measures previously recommended, including:

  • Implementing PRESTO fare integration
  • Considering new services to Mississauga and Oakville
  • Increased bus frequency on all local routes
  • Expanded operating hours to accommodate shift workers
  • Ensuring 1 service hour per resident to catch up with surrounding municipalities

The Chamber applauds the proposed improvements to Milton Transit and encourages Town Council to support the plan presented.

Click here to read our letter to Council.