Author Archives: Krista Lenardon-Trull

Milton Chamber of Commerce

Exploring the vital link in our economy

Supply chain. Those two words may not have meant as much to people pre-pandemic. But everyone certainly knows now how critical a supply chain — the steps to deliver goods […]

Milton Chamber of Commerce

Ontario to Lift Mask Mandates on March 21 and all other COVID-19 Restrictions on April 27

Today, Dr. Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health issued a statement to address Ontario’s plan to live with and manage COVID-19. With continued improvement in trends, Ontario will remove […]

Milton Chamber of Commerce

Unleashing the Power of Accommodations

There are many ways that we can define disability – we can use a medical or legal approach, a charity model, or the social model of disability. The most common […]

Milton Chamber of Commerce

President & CEO’s Message – March/April 2022

The pandemic has shifted many of the ways we do business. From Zoom to Teams and from curbside to e-commerce. And, while some of these measures have been temporary, some […]

Milton Chamber of Commerce

The She-Covery Project

In March of 2020 the world came to a standstill due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Ontario government called a state of emergence and immediate shut down of all non-essential […]

Milton Chamber of Commerce

Ontario Moving to Next Phase of Reopening on February 17

Improvements in key indicators allowing province to safely ease public health measures sooner With key public health and health system indicators continuing to improve, the Ontario government, in consultation with […]

Milton Chamber of Commerce

Eliminating barriers to employment

As Canadians, we continuously strive for a barrier-free society, built on equity and fairness. While steps have been taken toward this admirable goal, more can still be done. The Milton […]

Milton Chamber of Commerce

Ontario COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grant

The Government of Ontario is excited to share that eligible small businesses that were required to close under the modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen can now apply […]

Milton Chamber of Commerce

Ontario’s outlook dampened by labour shortages, supply chain issues

Pain points throughout Ontario’s economy are impairing business operations, and now consumers are feeling the pinch too. The frustration is palpable. From the grocery store and trucking industry to their […]

Milton Chamber of Commerce

President & CEO’s Message – January/February 2022

Last week, we had announcements by the provincial and federal governments that gave hope….and confusion. The Chamber and the business community welcomed the new $10,000 grant supports announced by the […]